
AstherEx employs Last Price and Mark Price mechanisms to prevent undesirable liquidations in extreme market conditions.

Liquidation occurs when the sum of your Initial Margin, Realized PnL, and Unrealized PnL falls below the Maintenance Margin.

It's crucial to understand that your maintenance margin directly impacts the liquidation price. To prevent liquidation, you'll need to add to your maintenance margin.

Positions in the same settlement currency will be liquidated based on the Margin Level.

Margin Level = {Initial margin + Realized PnL + Unrealized PnL < Maintenance margin}

When the margin level reaches 100%, liquidation will be triggered.


Last Price: The price of the last trade recorded in your trading history. This is utilized for computing your realized PnL.

Mark Price: The reference price applied to calculate your unrealized PnL and liquidation prices.

Last updated