πHow to Burn ALP?
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Step 1: Click to access the Astherus ALP (BNB Chain) page and connect your wallet.
Click to learn how to connect wallet
Check that you are on the correct network
Step 2: After connecting your wallet, click on [Burn ALP].
Please Note:
ALP cannot be burned in the first 48 hours after minting.
Amount of ALP tokens that can be burned: min[(Value of the liquidity pool - Value of userβs positions)*50%]/ALP Market Price. For instance, if the value of the liquidity pool is 10,000,000 USDT, the value of user A's position is 5,000,000 USDT and ALP market price is 2 USDT, the maximum amount user A can burn is 1,250,000.
The amount of assets that holders receive after burning their ALP tokens will not exceed the amount in the ALP liquidity pool. For instance, if the liquidity pool only has 1000 USDT, the maximum amount of USDT that holders can receive will be 1000 USDT. The remaining ALP tokens can be burned for other ALP pool asssets.