Referral Bonus & Team Boosts
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Last updated
How to generate invite code:
Go to the S1 landing page. Connect your wallet. Your invite code will be automatically displayed. Share the code with your invitees. You can also change your name by clicking on the edit button.
Go to the S1 landing page. A screen will pop up to prompt you to enter your invite code. Click [Redeem invite code]. Click [Skip] if you don’t have one.
2. You can also bind an invite code manually. First, go to the S1 landing page and connect your wallet. Click [Bind your invite code quickly]. Enter your inviter’s code. Once done, you will see yourself in the Inviter Team.
Tier 1 referral: Get 10% of your invitees’ Au points when they mint asTokens, USDF and/or ALP. Your invitees must bind your invite code before their first mint.
Tier 2 referral: Get 5% when your invitees refer their friends to mint asTokens, USDF and/or ALP. Your invitee’s friends must bind your invitee’s code before their first mint.
Alice invites Ben. Ben binds Alice’s invite code.
Ben earns 5,000 Au from his first mint.
Alice earns 10% of Ben’s points. Thus, she gets 5,000*0.1 = 500 Au.
Ben invites Charlie to Astherus. Charlie binds Ben’s invite code.
Charlie earns 2,500 Au from his first mint.
Ben earns 10% of Charlie’s points. Thus, he gets 2,500*0.1 = 250 Au.
Alice earns 5% of Charlie’s points. Thus, she gets 2,500*0.05 = 125 Au.
Everyone in a referral family is a Team. Teams can enjoy team boosts. A team is composed of the following members:
The person who invited you (A)
Other invitees of the person who invited you (B)
Yourself (C)
Your invitees (D)
For example, Alice invited you and Don to Astherus. You invited Charlie. Charlie invited Evan. Hence, Alice is A. Don is B. You are C. Charlie is D. Evan is not included in your Team.
Team boosts are applied to the team’s cumulative Au from minting asTokens, USDF and ALP only in the previous hour. Hourly snapshots are taken to calculate Team Au points. Au earned from referral bonuses or previous team boosts are not included in the total Au amount.
For example:
Alice, Ben and Don are a team. In the previous hour, Alice earned 500,000 Au, Ben earned 300,000 Au and Don earned 200,000 Au. These Au points are earned from minting asTokens, USDF and ALP only. Au earned from their referral bonuses or previous team boosts are not counted.
Team Au in the previous hour = 500,000 + 300,000 + 200,000 = 1,000,000 Au
According to the table below, all members benefit from a 1.05x team boost.
Alice gets 500,000*1.05 = 525,000 Au. Ben gets 300,000*1.05 = 315,000 Au. Dion gets 200,000*1.05 = 210,000 Au.
NOTE: Rh points are currently paused as we prepare for what's next: Au points will continue to benefit from referral bonuses and team boosts.
Tier 1 referral: Get 10% of your invitees’ Rh points when they trade on AstherusEx. Your invitees must bind your invite code before their first trade.
Tier 2 referral: Get 5% when your invitees refer their friends to trade. Your invitee’s friends must bind your invitee’s invite code before their first trade.
Wyn invites Yuki to trade on AstherusEX. Yuki binds Wyn’s invite code.
Yuki trades 5,000 USD volume. She earns 5,000 Rh.
Wyn earns 10% of Yuki’s points. Thus, she gets 5,000*0.1 = 500 Rh.
Yuki invites Zen to trade on AstherusEx. Zen binds Yuki’s invite code.
Zen trades 2,000 USD volume. Zen earns 2,000 Rh.
Yuki earns 10% of Zen’s points. Thus, she gets 2,000*0.1 = 200 Rh.
Wyn earns 5% of Zen’s points. Thus, she gets 2,000*0.05 = 100 Rh.
Everyone in a referral family is a Team. Teams can enjoy team boosts. A team is composed of the following members:
The person who invited you (A)
Other invitees of the person who invited you (B)
Yourself (C )
Your invitees (D)
For example, Yuki invited you and Wyn to Astherus. You invited Zen. Zen invited Ben. Hence, Yuki is A. Wyn is B. You are C. Zen is D. Ben is not included in your Team.
Team boosts are applied to the team’s cumulative Rh from trading in the previous day. Daily snapshots are taken to calculate Team Rh points. Rh earned from referral bonuses or previous team boosts are not included in the total Rh amount.
For example:
Wyn, Yuki and Zen are a team. In the previous day, Wyn earned 600,000 Rh, Yuki earned 300,000 Rh and Zen earned 100,000 Rh. These Rh are earned from trading on AstherusEX onchain perpetuals only. Rh earned from their referral bonuses or previous team boosts are not counted.
Team Rh in the previous day
= 600,000 + 300,000 + 100,000 = 1,000,000 Rh
According to the table below all members benefit from a 1.05x team boost.
Wyn gets 600,000*1.05 = 630,000 Rh.
Yuki gets 300,000*1.05 = 315,000 Rh.
Zen gets 100,000*1.05 = 105,000 Rh.