Mint asCAKE
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Astherus presents asCAKE, an innovative liquid staking derivative where you can stake your CAKE to mint asCAKE. asCAKE maximizes your CAKE utility and real yields:
APY from veCAKE yield (veCAKE Pool yield + Revenue Sharing yield), reflected in the net asset value of asCAKE.
APY from voting rewards (Bribes), reflected in the net asset value of asCAKE.
5x Au Points Multiplier for Astherus airdrop
Stringent risk control measures ensure safety. Smart contracts are fully audited to guarantee their reliability. Please read asCAKE FAQs below.
Once you have CAKE, go to AstherusEarn. Select asCAKE from the dropdown menu. Click [Connect Wallet] and sign the message.
Select [Deposit]. Click [Approve CAKE]. Currently, you can only stake CAKE using the BSC chain.
Enter your CAKE value. Click [Smart Mint asCAKE]. Smart Mint is a mechanism to optimize CAKE to asCAKE rates so you get the best conversion rate. Using Smart Mint, Astherus will select between the conversion rate on AstherusEarn or the conversion rate on the CAKE/asCAKE liquidity pool on PancakeSwap. Click the confirm button to proceed. Do note that minting asCAKE is irreversible.
Once confirmed, you have minted asCAKE successfully.
You need CAKE to mint asCAKE. If you don’t already hold CAKE, you can buy CAKE on PancakeSwap. If you had previously deposited CAKE on Astherus, you can stake it on AstherusEarn.
Read PancakeSwap’s tutorial on how to trade.
Go to the PancakeSwap Swap page.
Connect Wallet to PancakeSwap.
Choose the token you want to trade from the dropdown menu in the upper section. Make sure you have a sufficient amount of them in your wallet to trade with. Your balance is shown above the token dropdown menu.
Choose CAKE in the lower section.
Next, either type an amount in the upper section to input the number of tokens you want to swap (spending amount). Or, type an amount in the lower section to input the number of tokens you want to swap to (receiving amount).
Whichever section you input your amount, the amount in the other section will be estimated automatically.
Check all the details, and click the Swap button.
If you are trading a token for the first time, you may first need to click "Enable XXX (your token)" to approve.
A window with more details will appear. Check the details are correct. When you are ready, click the Confirm Swap button. Your wallet will ask you to confirm the action.
If you had previously deposited CAKE on Astherus, you can stake it on AstherusEarn.
Step 1: Withdraw your CAKE from Astherus to your personal wallet.
Step 2: Go to the AstherusEarn page. Select asCAKE from the dropdown menu, then click [Approve CAKE].
Using CAKE to mint asCAKE on Astherus is irreversible. However, you can swap asCAKE for CAKE via the PancakeSwap liquidity pool.
Go to the asCAKE page. Click [Swap(Pancake)]. Click [Go to PancakeSwap].
You will be directed to the asCAKE-CAKE liquidity pool on PancakeSwap. Input your desired asCAKE value to be swapped. You will see the amount of CAKE after conversion and the fee needed. Confirm your swap.
asCAKE is an asToken minted by staking CAKE on AstherusEarn. The token contract address is: 0x9817F4c9f968a553fF6caEf1a2ef6cF1386F16F7.
How is APY from veCAKE yield generated?
Your staked CAKE on AstherusEarn will be staked on PancakeSwap to get veCAKE and earn yield. veCAKE yield consists of veCAKE Pool yield + Revenue Sharing yield. Astherus will collect veCAKE yield weekly and update these returns in asCAKE net asset value (NAV) within 7 days.
How is APY from voting rewards (bribes) generated?
Through veCAKE, Astherus obtains voting rights. We plan to partner projects to generate returns from Bribes (such as, voting for gauges on PancakeSwap in return for bribes from the projects).
When this is launched, Astherus will collect rewards from Bribes every 2 weeks, and update these returns in asCAKE’s NAV within 14 days.
Will I start earning APY immediately after asCAKE’s launch?
There will be no veCAKE APY in the first week of asCAKE’s launch. You will start earning Week 1’s veCAKE APY in the second week.
Voting Rewards APY is Coming Soon. When launched, there will be no voting rewards APY in the first two weeks. You will start earning APY from these two weeks in the third week.
How do I get the Au Multiplier?
By minting asCAKE, you automatically earn Au points. Au points give you an allocation of $ASS airdrop. Connect your wallet to check your Au points here:
How is Au calculated?
This depends on your CAKE investment and the market price of CAKE. For example, if you stake 100 CAKE when CAKE price is $2.5, and asCAKE Au multiplier is 5x, your mint earns 100 x 2.5 x 5 = 1,250 Au.
If there is no change in CAKE price, you will continue earning (100 x 2.5 x 5) Au per hour.
If CAKE price later drops to $2, you will earn (100 x 2 x 5) Au per hour.
What is Smart Mint?
Smart Mint is a mechanism to optimize CAKE to asCAKE rates so that you get the best conversion rate. Using Smart Mint, Astherus will select between the conversion rate on AstherusEarn or the conversion rate on the CAKE/asCAKE liquidity pool on PancakeSwap.
Can I withdraw my CAKE at any time?
Using CAKE to mint asCAKE on Astherus is irreversible. However, you can swap asCAKE for CAKE on PancakeSwap. Read How to swap asCAKE.
What are the risks involved?
We have conducted thorough smart contract audits to ensure the security and reliability of the platform. In addition, we implement robust risk management protocols to protect your funds at all times.
Are there any fees involved?
There is no fee to mint asCAKE. While you cannot withdraw CAKE on Astherus, you can swap asCAKE for CAKE on secondary markets like PancakeSwap, subject to their platform fees.